Achillea millefolium volgens Bonnier CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1899CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Schlanstedter rogge CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Soorten van tarwe CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Acacia cultriformis kiemplant II CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Kiemplanten van Acacia I CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Ulex europaeus met kiemplant CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Bracteeën der Cruciferen CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Cecropia adenopus CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Domatiën I, Tilia, Coprosma, Eugenia CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Kiemplanten van Viscum CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1899CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Hydnophytum formicarum CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Kiemplanten van Myrmecodia CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1899CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Periodiciteit bij vijftallige klaver CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Arabisch Gom. Acacia senegal CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Mimosa pudica CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Valeriana offic. torsa CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Papaver somniferum polycephalum met ijle kransen CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1899CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Topcel der Angiospermen CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1900CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Topcel der Gymnospermen CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1900CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Viola tricolor (Jordan) e.a. Viola's CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Bevruchting van Vanille CreatorZeijde, C.B. van deDate of creation1900CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Kinderbegraebnisz in Holland Nach einer Originalzeichnung von Werner Zehme CreatorZehme, WernerDate of creation1889CollectionRegional Costumes in the Netherlands
Kunstenaars uit Zimbabwe en Nederland, schilderijen, beelden, grafiek CreatorZegveld, P.CollectionPoster project
Aylax hieracii CreatorZeijde, C.B. van der ?Date of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Irisbladeren in zon en schaduw CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Openen van Grasbloemen, Avena, Festuca CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Botrytis cinerea pers. CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Pyronema confluens CreatorZeijde, C.B. van der ?Date of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Casuarina, Chalazogamie CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Betula alba, chalazogamie CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation19XXCollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Veronica longifolia CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1900CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Wortelgallen van Phylloxera CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1900CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Biorhiza en Teras met insecten CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1900CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960
Curven van rietvariëteiten CreatorZeijde, C.B. van derDate of creation1899CollectionThe art of knowledge: educational botanical wall charts 1870 - 1960